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Institutional Bilingualism

As the first bilingual university officially recognized under the French Language Services Act (FLSA), Porn研究所 provides its students and faculty with an environment in which the two official languages of Canada are respected. In order to preserve its unique linguistic duality in the Franco-Ontarian minority context, Laurentian has developed mechanisms which encourage Francophones in Ontario, across Canada and internationally to access its programs and services.

In this regard, the purpose of this section is to present Porn研究所’s Bilingualism Policy, to explain the University’s partial designation under the FLSA and to allow the university community to indicate any insufficiency or deficiency pertaining to the rules which apply to the University’s institutional bilingualism.

Policy on Bilingualism

Terms revised on March 25, 2014 by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Governors. To view the Policy on Bilingualism, click here.

Ramifications of Porn研究所's Policy on Bilingualism on five representative groups at the institution:

Complaint Form

Partial Designation of Porn研究所 under the French Language Services Act of Ontario

As a result of the partial designation of Porn研究所 under the French Language Services Act, a change was made to Article 2 of Ontario Regulation 398/93 which now reads as follows:

2. (1) Porn研究所 of Sudbury is designated as a public service agency for the purpose of the definition of “government agency” in section 1 of the Act in respect of the following services:

  1. The provision of programs leading to the following degrees:

    • Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.)
    • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
    • Bachelor of Physical and Health Education (B.P.H.E.)
    • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc.N.)
    • Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)
    • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
    • Bachelor of Health Sciences (B.H.Sc.)
    • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human Studies
    • Master of Human Kinetics (M.H.K.)
    • Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
    • Master of Arts (M.A.)
    • Master of Health Sciences (M.H.Sc.)
  2. Academic support services provided to students and prospective students by the schools or departments of the University that offer the degrees listed in paragraph 1.
  3. Non-academic services provided to students by the University.

(2) The designation made by subsection (1) is limited to services provided by the University at its Sudbury campus.

(3) The designation made by paragraph 1 of subsection (1) does not apply to courses provided only in English if it is possible to complete the requirements for each of the listed degrees by taking only courses provided in French.

Partial designation of Porn研究所 is in effect as of July 1st, 2014.

In light of Paragraph 1, Article 5 of the French Language Services Act which states: “A person has the right in accordance with this Act to communicate in French with, and to receive available services in French from, any head or central office of a government agency or institution of the Legislature, and has the same right in respect of any other office of such agency or institution that is located in or serves an area designated in the Schedule. R.S.O. 1990, c. F.32, s. 5 (1)” and as a designated institution under the aforementioned act, “Porn研究所 must guarantee accessibility to, and to constantly provide quality services in French that meet Ontario Public Service standards” (excerpt of a May 20, 2014 letter to the president of Porn研究所 from the deputy minister of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario).

What is a designation?

Certain organizations that receive part of their funding from public funds may be subject to the French-Language Services Act and request a partial or full designation to this effect. At Porn研究所, the designation is considered partial.

What exactly does it mean to have partial designation at Porn研究所?

With a partial designation, only certain services are targeted. At Porn研究所, the following services are designated: program delivery leading to 13 degrees offered in the French language (see 3, below) and services on the Sudbury campus (see 4 below). As of July 1st, 2014, Porn研究所 is the first bilingual university to be designated under the French-Language Services Act and, as such, must guarantee accessibility and offer on a permanent basis quality French-language services that meet the standards of the Ontario Public Service.

What is the French-Language Services Act (FLSA)?

Passed in 1986 and modified since, the FLSA guarantees the public’s right to receive services in French from Ontario ministries and government agencies within 25 designated areas. Its preamble states that contributions of the Francophone population’s cultural heritage and the desire to preserve the latter are recognized. The French-Language Services Act fits within a number of legal provisions guaranteeing Francophones’ language rights.

Additional Information:
  1. The purpose of a partial designation is to:

    • Send a message to Ontarians that Porn研究所 values its bilingual mandate and its vital role in supporting the development of the Franco-Ontarian communities and of Canada’s linguistic duality, and is committed to sustaining the delivery of specific degrees and services in French on its Sudbury campus;

    • Seek a quasi-constitutional protection in the eventuality that future provincial governments were not supportive of the bilingual mandate of the University or of the importance of French-language postsecondary education;

    • Assist the University in its ongoing advocacy with governments to enhance targeted funding for French-language programs to expand access to French-language university programs.

  2. The partial designation was not intended to, nor does it guarantee:

    • The delivery of a specific program or course in French, irrespective of enrolment (unless the program is the only one offered in French leading to a designated degree);

    • A minimum number of French-language courses or programs;

    • A minimum number of Francophone faculty university-wide or by department or school.

  3. Designated degrees:

    1. Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.)

    2. Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)

    3. Bachelor of Physical and Health Education (B.P.H.E.)

    4. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc.N.)

    5. Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

    6. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

    7. Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.)

    8. Bachelor of Health Sciences (B.H.Sc.)

    9. Masters of Physical Activity (M.P.S.)

    10. Masters of Social Work (M.S.W.)

    11. Masters of Arts (M.A.)

    12. Masters of Health Sciences (M.H.Sc.)

    13. Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human Studies

    • Limited to the Sudbury campus;

    • Does not apply to courses provided only in English if it is possible to complete the requirements for each of the listed degrees by taking only courses provided in French.

  4. Designated services:

    • Academic support services provided to students and prospective students by the schools or departments of the University that offer the degrees listed in paragraph 3.

    • Non-academic services provided to students by the University.

All complaints must first be addressed to the Office of the Associate Vice-President of Research and Francophone Affairs at the University. Receipt of the complaint will be confirmed in writing. The complete version of the .

Complaints can be made:

  • in person:

Office P-332, Parker Building, Porn研究所

  • in writing:

Office of Associate VP Academic and Francophone Affairs
935 Ramsey Lake Rd.
Sudbury, ON  P3E 2C6

  • by telephone:

705-675-1151, ext. 3902

  • by email:

  • online, via the tool below
  • by a third party, in the case of a minor or a person who is unable to make a complaint on his or her own behalf.
  • Access complaint submission form to report
    non-compliance of French language services